Written in response to the above photo prompt from writing blog: Magpie Tales
The stars roll around the heavens, the earth turns as it
circles the sun. The universe moves inevitably toward its destiny.
Perhaps it will expand forever until it is cold and empty. Or it might
crash back onto itself only to explode again in unimaginable violence.
Perhaps there are an infinite number of parallel universes where each
choice we make branches into a new reality. And still, time moves on.
Einstein said that time and space are intertwined, that time slows down
as you approach the speed of light. I have heard that our concept of
time doesn't exist at all and is only the invention of man, that
everything that will ever happen has already taken place. I am
fascinated and awed by these ideas and by the idea of time travel.
remember reading in a comic book about Superman flying around the earth
so fast that time turned backwards. I
also remember clearly when I first saw the movie "Back to the Future".
It was 1991 because I was about to attend my 25 year high school
reunion. I loved all the twists and turns that travelling back in time
created. Near the end, the hero was leaving and the girl
who was to be his mother said to herself, "Marty - that's a nice name."
And so ... he was named after himself. I took a long walk after
the movie thinking about time travel and my upcoming high school
reunion. I wished I could know the future.
I've done a little time traveling since then. Forward, which is the
only way we know for sure that time can flow. It has been almost 20
years since I took that walk. I went through a painful divorce, I had to
change my career, my children grew up, my mother died. I wonder what I
might have done differently if I could have seen the future that day.
Well, I would have made some different career choices at that crucial turning point. I wish I hadn't
chosen to refinance my house. The main thing I wish is that I was
kinder, more patient, with my mother and my children, more accepting of
other people and their choices - even if I didn't understand those
choices. I would focus more on my own life and the options I had control
over and less on trying to make other people change to meet my
expectations. This sounds a lot like the Serenity Prayer.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Guess what? I had no idea where this post was going when I started!
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